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Stubbs Farm 40th Year

Posted on: April 8th 2022

HeadersmalcowlThe traditional annual Year 7 Geography visit to Stubbs Farm returned this March with the latest group of students doing a half-day tour of the farm.

The last time Amery had visited was March 2020 and only days before the first national Covid lockdown was announced. Returning this time Mr. Stephens was reminiscing about how long Amery Hill had been visiting his family farm and let it slip that this was our 40th year! A long tradition that we hope to keep going.

As usual Mr. Stephens was very generous with his time, meeting every group in the winter cattle sheds where he patiently explained to the children about the beef cattle kept on the farm, their feeding, conditions, age, weight, breeds and even how much they can sell for. With our school being in such a rural setting the students were very keen to listen to how our food is produced even if a few admitted that they were not meat eaters.

The walk around the rest of the farm really showed of its size and organisation plus stunning views of the beautiful Hampshire countryside. The wooded area was made more interesting this year with a few extra trees down after Storm Eunice and a few startled pheasants!

The students will be using the notes that they made on the day to write this up as their next assessed piece of Year 7 work.


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GCSE Results 2024
Posted on: 22/08/2024

GCSE Results 2024

Once again, students at Amery Hill School have done themselves proud! We offer huge congratulations to our ‘Class of 2024’ for their fantastic GCSE results. Throughout their time at our school, the students of this year group have shown grit and genuine commitment to their studies, and have set an excellent example, both through these qualities, and through their kindness and consideration to each other, and to other members of the school community. At Amery Hill, our school motto is ‘Education for Life’. We want our students to leave us as positive and confident individuals, who feel absolutely ready for their next steps in life, and the challenges they may encounter. And, despite two disrupted years of secondary  education as a result of the pandemic, working alongside dedicated staff, and with strong parental support, our students have shown that strength of character, aspiration and determination can achieve. We are delighted by their success and believe that it again demonstrates the importance of the school’s core values of Independence, Creativity, Active Learning, Resilience and Empathy. Our ‘Class of 2024’ is now well placed to move beyond the school gates and is in the very best place to head onto college, apprenticeships or work-based training. Although I have only worked with this cohort of students since I joined Amery Hill in September 2023, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with them, and alongside all members of our school community, wish them the very best of luck, and success and happiness in the future.   R Jeckells HeadteacherView Article
The DOSE Effect - TJ Power visit
Posted on: 29/04/2024

The DOSE Effect - TJ Power visit

The DOSE Effect is an approach championed by Tj Power, a neuroscientist, who has been working with the school to educate our students, families and staff to help us to understand how brain chemistry affects mental health, and how the things that we do can positively influence these chemicals. We are delighted to have been awarded financial support from Waitrose Alton and Gallagher Insurance which will enable us to extend the programme to other students and families within our school community. The potential of this project is far reaching and having trialled the programme with our Year 9 students, we have already had some incredible feedback. The students have been really engaged with the programme and the workshops that Tj has run for them and the feedback suggests that it is making a positive difference for many within our community – students, primarily of course, but families too. Educating and supporting our young people to understand and further their knowledge on how to enhance their mental health will not only lead them to being more fulfilled but will help them to achieve their full potential at school and also beyond, as they turn their minds to college, perhaps university and employment. Our thanks to both Waitrose Alton and Gallagher Insurance for seeing the benefit for our students in this programme and for providing additional funds to allow us to roll out the programme to other students. What the students said...   "Loved having you at my school, defo going to miss your sessions every week"  "Thanks so much WE ALL miss you already" "Thank you so much for coming into our school. I have learnt a lot from you. Also my mum thought you were amazing"  "Really interesting to learn about all the different chemicals and has definitely changed the small things in my life to make a big difference thanks so much" "Thank you so much for coming to my school. I have learned so much from you over the past few weeks"   What our parents said... “Just a quick note to say thanks so much for organising Tj Power's school visits and the talk last night.  He was brilliant!  So insightful;  I think it's great that you guys have brought him into Amery to work with the kids.  My child has been working harder at school, taking the dog for walks and has even set a TikTok limit on her phone - all off her own back! Really appreciate it.  Thanks again.”   “I just wanted to say thank you for the session with Tj yesterday.  I was incredibly interesting and really gave us something to think about with the girls. I hope that other years will be able to benefit in the future- very much education for life and giving a different perspective.  We are enjoying our hugs very much!”  “Thank you for bringing Tj Power into school yesterday to talk to the Yr 9 parents - I found him really easy to listen to, I found his DOSE effect really resonated with this age group. My child and I chatted about it afterwards and already have planned some things to focus on doing from now on. I’d love to see this continue through and embed into the school. Many thanks.”  “Thanks again for organising last night. Tj is so engaging and I can see why the kids got so much out of it too. I definitely went away with some new motivation to improve things at home.”  View Article