Friends of Amery Hill School
If you have inventive fundraising ideas or just a pair of willing hands, we need you! Friends of Amery is a group of parents and carers who support the school with fundraising events to ensure that every student's school experience is enriched. Our plan is to meet up once a term and run one event each term. Events might include Quiz Nights, Bingo Evenings, Wreath Making and organising the bar/raffle at School Drama and Music Events. We have a lovely group of enthusiastic people so you do not need to commit to every event. It is a great way of becoming involved, meeting other parents and supporting your child’s school. We are currently raising funds to upgrade the School Library. Every child at Amery Hill has access to the Library and the Library Managers are very pro-active at helping each child with their reading and study programmes.
We are always looking for like-minded parents to join us, so if you would like more information, please contact us at: