Student Services
Amery Hill is a happy school which provides an atmosphere that supports students and enables their success, their development of character and well-being. Our students know that they are valued as individuals with unique needs, strengths and potential.
When students join us in Year 7 they are children and by the time they leave us in Year 11 they are young men and women. During their time at secondary school they go through a huge period of adjustment. They are undergoing hormonal changes and at the same time have to deal with the pressures of learning and exams. In addition to this, events in their everyday lives, such as bereavement, break up of family due to divorce and separation, illness within the family can add to the pressures of growing up and some of our students will benefit from additional support.
The pastoral team consists of the Deputy Headteacher, two Assistant Headteachers, the Progress Leaders and the Form Tutors within the year teams.
The pastoral structure is further underpinned and supported by Student Services, the school counsellor and the school’s Medical Room Supervisor. They work alongside the Progress Leaders to support and educate our students with emotional and behavioural issues that can affect their learning within the school environment.
We also offer support to parents/guardians, and are able to signpost them to other agencies if needed, who can advise and support students and families outside school, these include:
School Nursing Service for health and emotional issues
CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) for mental health issues
Youth First who offer support with anger and anxiety management and Solution Focussed Therapy
‘It’s a Rapp’ who support victims of relationship abuse
Hampshire County Council Children’s Services who support families and provide Child Protection
Early Help Hub who also support families having difficulties
`Embrace` also provide family support
The Bridges Project who support victims of domestic abuse
Catch 22 who provide drugs counselling
The Willow Team FRANKIE who provide counselling for victims of rape and sexual exploitation
The Kings Arms who support young carers and provide projects for students in the local community
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