
Student Hub

Supporting Students’ Learning
Staff in the Student Hub work closely with the Progress Leaders, teachers and other pastoral staff within the school. Although teaching staff are responsible for meeting the learning needs of all their students, those who have an identified special educational need and/or disability (SEND) will be given extra support as needed. This may be in or out of the classroom and before, during or after school. We have a large department of Teaching Assistants, who specialise in a particular subject or skill, and who provide support in the classroom and also provide one to one and group sessions in the Student Hub.

There is a clear, established referral system which enables staff members to access support for their students; parents or students are also able to request support directly. 

Students on the SEND register have a SEND Student Passport.  This details the individual needs of the student and identifies how teachers might best to support them in lessons. 

Accessible School
Amery Hill is designated as an 'Accessible School' for students with a physical disability. This means that all areas of the school can be reached by lifts, making it possible for students to access specialised subject facilities. In addition to several rooms for small group and one to one work, the Student Hub has a therapy room and two hygiene suites to cater for the needs of our physically disabled students. Staff undergo regular training in order to support the students. Our inclusive ethos ensures that all students can be accommodated in both curricular and extra-curricular activities, including educational trips and visits.

A range of interventions are offered through the Student Hub to support students’ cognition and learning, and social, emotional and mental health.

Rapid Intervention: During Key Stage 3 students with low literacy levels may be taken out of Modern Foreign Languages lessons to work on a literacy programme. In this programme, students take part in weekly literacy, reading and numeracy lessons. Within these sessions literacy skills are developed further by exploring key words in a range of ways along with developing skills in writing, spelling and reading fluency. Students will also follow a numeracy intervention for their third lesson, focusing on the basic numeracy skills in an interactive way.   

ELSA: This intervention gives the student strategies and skills to cope in a range of situations and challenges. It addresses seven key areas that may affect a young person’s life: anxiety, self-esteem/confidence, assertion, social skills, emotional awareness, anger management and friendship skills. This is a highly personalised programme and thus the focus given to each aspect of these key areas will be tailored to the individual.

Lego Therapy: This programme is designed to encourage students to work together and develop their social communication skills by building Lego models. The skills learnt are transferable and may be helpful with many other social aspects of school life.

Resilience Intervention: The programme is designed to encourage students to work together and develop their confidence in managing a range of situations and challenges both in and out of school. The course identifies five areas of a young person’s life that need to be developed in order to support the building of resilience. These are: Basics, Belonging, Learning, Coping and Core Self.

Dyslexia Intervention: The intervention focuses on exploring strengths and strategies to use within the classroom which will empower the student to understand how they might learn best, as well as building their confidence and resilience.

Link to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 'Local Offer'

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SEN Report Information Date  
SEN Information report 26th Jun 2024 Download