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Bar Mock Trials

Posted on: April 7th 2022

BarmocktrialsminiMembers of the Jury, I stand before you to deliver the closing statement for the prosecution, my name is Mrs Pretsell and I represent the Crown in the case against Amery Hill.  The charge is that the students of Amery Hill performed brilliantly at the Southern Region Mock Trials Competition, and brought prestige and honour to both themselves and the school.  Members of the Jury, this is an occasion when the only credible verdict you will be able to return is guilty:  they were brilliant.

Let me remind you of the facts of the case; our barristers:  Lucy D, Albie P, Isabel P and Chloe S were dedicated and clever lawyers who prepared their cases meticulously and questioned with an unerring dedication to clarity and precision.  They were brutal - woe betide anyone who ever wants to take them on in an argument.  Supporting the barristers were the four witnesses who were questioned in these cases.  The Amery witnesses: Max J, Griff P, Aleya S and Orla T were guilty of knowing all the facts of their stories, conveying their testimony with great confidence and standing stalwart against fierce questioning. Running the court were another two students guilty of brilliance and coolness in the demanding courtroom drama.  Anya F, our court clerk, was peerless and Sophie J (usher) was as cool as a very cool cucumber.  Finally, other schools were kept on their toes by the brilliant and incisive services of jury members Sian L and Hazel R - nothing was going to get past them as they exercised their civic duty with true professionalism.

Admittedly, the Amery Hill Team did not win the competition but in mitigation it must be noted that they were Year 10 students and they were challenging teams from 6th Form Colleges.  They are David facing very many Goliaths.  They might not have defeated Goliath but they gave him bruised shins, broken fingers and a nasty suspected concussion.

So finally, members of the Jury, as you decide if this team from Amery is indeed guilty of being brilliant, I charge you to remember that these students worked so hard for five months preparing this case, they conducted themselves perfectly and they made Mrs Smith and me feel so incredibly proud to be their teachers.  You must return a unanimous verdict of guilty.

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